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Does CBD have any negative effects?

CBD (cannabidiol) is generally well tolerated by most people and is often considered safe. However, like any supplement or medication, it may have side effects and interactions with other medicines. The following is a list of potential adverse effects of CBD:


Possible side effects of CBD

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    Fatigue and sleepiness

    • Description CBD can cause sleepiness and fatigue, especially at high doses. This can be beneficial for people with sleep disorders, but annoying for those who need to stay alert.
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    • Solution Adjust the dose of CBD or avoid taking it before activities requiring increased vigilance, such as driving.
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    Oral dryness

    • Description : CBD can reduce saliva production, resulting in dry mouth sensation.
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    • Solution : Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated can help mitigate this effect.
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    Decreased appetite

    • Description Some users report decreased appetite after consumption of CBD.
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    • Solution Watch your diet and make sure you maintain a balanced diet.
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    • Description CBD can cause gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhoea, especially at high doses.
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    • Solution Start with a lower dose and gradually increase to see how your body reacts.
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    Changes in appetite and weight

    • Description CBD may affect appetite and therefore lead to changes in weight.
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    • Solution : Monitor any significant changes and adjust your CBD dose accordingly.
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Interaction with other medicinal products


CBD may interact with other medicines, which may either increase or decrease the effectiveness of these medicines, or even lead to undesirable side effects. Common interactions include:

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    Medicines metabolised by the liver

    • CYP450 enzyme CBD may inhibit CYP450 in the liver, which is responsible for the metabolism of many medicines. This can lead to higher levels of these drugs in the body and potentially cause side effects.
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    • Examples Anticoagulants, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, and certain antibiotics.
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    • Description CBD may have sedative effects and, when taken with other sedatives, may increase sleepiness and fatigue.
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    • Examples : Benzodiazepines, antihistamines, and some antidepressants.
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Safety precautions

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    Consult a health professional

    • Description Before you start using CBD, especially if you are taking other medications or have pre-existing medical conditions, consult a health care professional to avoid potential interactions and obtain personalized advice.
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    Start with a low dose

    • Description Start with a low dose of CBD and gradually increase to see how your body reacts. This can help minimize potential side effects.
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    Choose quality products

    • Description Use CBD products from recognized sources tested by independent laboratories to ensure their purity and concentration in CBD. Avoid products containing additives or contaminants.
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